
互联网- 2023-08-20 20:16:26

衣服后面的帽子 英语叫什么


1. "It's not recommended to wear hats indoors." 2. "Wearing a hat indoors is generally unnecessary." 3. "Inside, a hat is often considered to be a form of unnecessary noise." 4. "A hat can be a distraction in an indoor environment." 5. "In many cases, a hat is not appropriate for indoor settings."


1. "A hat can be uncomfortable to wear." 2. "In an indoor space, a hat may be too hot or too cold." 3. "A hat can be a fire hazard." 4. "A hat may be an obstacle in certain indoor activities." 5. "In some cases, a hat may be against the dress code for indoor settings."


1. "Wearing a hat indoors is generally discouraged." 2. "Inside, it's generally not appropriate to wear a hat." 3. "A hat is generally not wearable in an indoor setting." 4. "In many cases, a hat is not suitable for indoor activities." 5. "In indoor settings, a hat is generally not necessary."


1. "When worn indoors, a hat can be a nuisance." 2. "A hat can be a fashion statement indoors." 3. "In some cases, a hat may be necessary indoors." 4. "In indoor settings, a hat may be appropriate." 5. "Overall, indoors is not the best place for a hat."


1. "In室内不建议戴帽子。" 2. "A hat is generally not appropriate for indoor settings." 3. "In many cases, a hat is not necessary indoors." 4. "Wearing a hat indoors can be distracting." 5. "A hat can be uncomfortable or even dangerous in some indoor settings."今年冬天最流行的3款发型,让你美哭这个冬天
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